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We offer comprehensive ST3 Orthopaedic MOCK INTERVIEWS, a knowledge course, one to one sessions and a large question bank.

These can be purchased together or separately

  • Full mock interview with experienced faculty. This includes the observation of another candidate.
  • One to one interviews tailored to your needs, including several run throughs of actual full interviews. Our popular mock interview course (sold out every year previously) also now available for booking. Please book early to avoid disappointment.
  • Any purchase is eligible for our free webinar on 08/12/24 at 9am.

Brought to you by recent successful candidates including top-ranking candidates of multiple previous years.

This is your chance to leave no stone unturned!

Please click on ‘Sign up’ to see our competitive prices!

  • Online knowledge and mock interview course on  Saturday 08/03/2025
  • One to one interviews (to be purchased separately). They will run over an online platform. Dates to be confirmed after booking with the organisers when both parties available.
  • When purchasing any of these products you will be eligible for a free webinar to get you on track with preparation on 08/12/24 at 9am.

∗ Simply sign up by clicking the ‘Sign up now’ link at the top of this page!

  • Mock interviews: you will pass through two circuits of interviews, one in which you will be in the hot seat of a full mock just like the real thing, and one where you observe another candidate with a different set of questions.
  • One to one interviews: this will be tailored to your needs. We can give feedback on portfolios, CVs, run through several mock scenarios, identifying strengths and weaknesses. This is the ultimate opportunity to target yourself at getting the job done!
  • Knowledge course: Our faculty will walk you through some of the high yield concepts in the ST3 interviews as well as giving you our take on how to tackle these new online interviews. With so much uncertainty and so many unknowns about the process, this is your chance to clear up any concerns!

Questions? Email [email protected] and we would be happy to help!